Friday, August 30, 2024

Learning all the time

 I can't believe in what I've learned over the last several years.

JFK was really a force that tried to pull back the curtin of the wizard.

In December of 2022, Christmas Eve I posted this:

Shows how one can learn going forward if one reads something other than mainstream media to get all sides of the story so one can make up their own mind.  Mind you though one has to keep that mind open.

Here in this post I suggested RFK Jr. for President in 2024 and Judge Napolitano for VP...sorry Judge!  Guess we all learned a lesson from Bobby Jr.

I also suggested Tulsi Gabbard as Secretary of State...boy was I naive!

I watched this short 8 minute video today which made me realize how we can all easily be fooled.

Here on Rumble, titled The Names Tulsi Gabbard Won't Speak...

Recently I posted this

Recently Judge Napolitano was taken down from Youtube for something said by Pepe Escobar.  Freedom of Speech has become so rare these days that if you happen to disagree,  one must not take into consideration the Fourth Amendment but instead what TPTB would think of what you want to say.

Very sad to be living in these times where the 4th Amendment is not acknowledged...

Here is a good article that Judge wrote about it,

titled, The Right to be Left Alone.

As Trump/Vance signs go up alongside Kennedy's sign since he has endorsed him and Harris/Biden signs go up...I'm glad for the lessons learned over the last several years.  I don't listen to words anymore as anyone can speak them...I watch their actions and the "non" speak of those who are really running things.

I learned years ago after voting for Kerry instead of Nader that I will not vote again for the lesser of 2 evils...I reserve the right to not vote when there is no one that sees this Genocide going on before our eyes.

JFK warned us...I'm not sure where his nephew was at the time but I remember seeing both of my parents when JFK was assassinated and wondering why they looked as if the world just ended.  The image of John John saluting the American flag draped casket as it went by.  What happened to him, Bobby?, Martin?  The list goes on and on.

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