Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Oregon's Wildfire Hazard Map

 A comment from the public...


My husband and I are writing in opposition to the Wildfire Hazard Mapping.

In 2018 we were on a Level 2 evacuation notice for at least a week where most of our neighbors left their properties as they are much more "in the trees" than we are, our property at one point was designated "farmland".

During this time we had many visits from the different fire agencies who walked our property thinking of it as a "fire break" before heading towards the city of Rogue River.  We even offered neighbors to store their extra vehicles (which some did) as well as fire officials the opportunity to leave their equipment close by which they deeply appreciated.  We spoke to one fire chief from Amity, Oregon who was down here in Southern Oregon helping out with the multiple fires in the area.

After this fire we had the State Department of Forestry on our property as they were offering resources to help people with their defensible spaces and were told that our property was managed well and there was little we could do.  Though they did help our neighbors out and we put a gate in at the top of our property that would allow neighbors above to drive through it in case they couldn't get down their driveway safely.

We were also evacuated from the Sykes Creek Fire in 1987 so we are well aware of the dangers and take our responsibility as rural property owners seriously.

We both feel that an elephant is in the room that is not being addressed and until the weather manipulation (geoengineering) is recognized, fires as well as other forms of catastrophic storms and the damage they leave behind will only get worse.

Several states now have introduced bills, TN being the first to sign one into law that prohibits the spraying of the skies over their state.  This is a small step in the right direction but unfortunately what is done in the skies above other states will not prevent this for all.  I suggest a great place to start for those making these decisions for the "us the people" would be the documentary, The Dimming which is free to watch and has over 20 million views worldwide.  Dane Wigington has been researching this topic for 20+ years and his site, has a wealth of information.  Just the article, Wildfires as a Weapon written in 2022 alone is worth the time reading in order to understand the reasons behind the atrocities happening now and have been going since the 40's.

We both feel this is the main point that needs addressing as before long insurance companies will no longer be able to cover costs that are associated with fires and storm damage.

The second most important point about this mapping is the fact that some rural property owners have been allowed to use their properties for storing vehicles and/or flammable toxic materials for far too long which threatens us all in the vicinity.

In May of this year, a ballot measure to once again raise our property taxes went into effect and before this time we both visited our local fire department and spoke with the fire chief and supplied him with a 20 page booklet and brochure on geoengineering.  We also suggested his viewing of the documentary, The Dimming.  It was appalling to us that he hadn't heard of it and suggested to us to reach out to our district representative that was  running for office at the time.  We took his advice and contacted her.  We received an email from her assistant that she needed to do more research as she was unfamiliar with the subject.

We ask how is it that 20 million people have viewed this documentary and yet those most involved with the decision making and/or risking their lives to save properties and people have not?

We sincerely hope that you and others who are making these decisions for "us the people" take the time to read our complaints, take necessary action with the suggestions given to you and heed the warnings that are there for us to see if only we look up.  If we don't stop this madness in our skies, this beautiful place we call home will not be able to supply us with the very things we need to survive on this planet, Mother Earth.

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