Tuesday, January 16, 2024

Yep, Yep, Yep! Bobby could have won!

Will we ever understand why Bobby took a turn for the worse? 


Just as Ray McGovern interrupted RFK jr at a North Carolina church ...watch the 7 minute mark!

 And love this from Ray...26:44 minute mark, "you're no JFK!"

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Saturday, January 13, 2024

Rest in Peace Gonzalo

 An American journalist in a baseball cap, rolling his cigarettes between his fingers reporting his "free speech" from a war torn country...dead at 55 in an Ukrainian prison.

May you rest in peace my friend.


So many articles...I can't remember when I have seen so many reports...could it be that people are starting to realize what is being done in our name?  From the comments on these sites, they are!
Just don't know where RFK Jr. is...is he not about free speech...hmmm.



How memories of Rachel Corrie come back and remind me of the play that I didn't get tickets for in Eugene, Oregon.  

Dead by a bulldozer in Gaza at the age of 23.


....going down the rabbit hole, there are so many stories.  


Friday, January 12, 2024


I know that reading for many has gone to the wayside,  I even see it at my local library with new items being "ebooks" .    Guess it's just another ethnic cleansing so to speak.

Phil Giraldi is a regular on Judge Napolitanto's site, Judging Freedom

and has been very outspoken about the Israel/Gaza conflict (to say the least).

Here is a recent article on Global Research where he contributes regularly.


A chilling excerpt from this article,

When former Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon was queried about how the rest of the world might respond to Israel using its nukes to effectively wipe out its Arab neighbors, he responded “That depends on who does it and how quickly it happens. We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force… We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.”

Sad that many won't watch the South Africa court proceedings against Genocide, as it's too depressing.  What human would not feel sad...I ask?  We should all take 22 minutes to watch what is happening before our eyes in history.

Thursday, January 11, 2024

Arrogant and Ignorant...

 Kirby...phony and false, staged questions?

84 detailed pages, lets view page 10?

Make sure you watch around the 11 minute mark with the dancing soldiers.  Judge Napolitano and Jeffrey Sachs, professor from Columbia University...

This is only 93 pages and what a history I got reading it!

Against Our Better Judgement, by Allison Weir

Another one to watch from the Judge...Kyle Anzalone Opinion Editor from https://antiwar.com/, gotta love Medea Benjamin and her sign, "Israel is not above the law" (about the 17 minute mark).

Then listen to Biden around the 19 minute mark.

Disgusting and Disheartening...how does one stand for freedom of speech and not speak out and discuss what's going on in Gaza?

Wonder if she's heard of Ho'oponopono?

I'm sorry,

Please forgive me

I love you

Thank you...she really ought to start practicing this.

I can't believe I had a blog post sighting this!!!!  A lot can happen in a year!!!!!
