Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Question Everything


Great article by Derrick Broze, sourced by Ryan at the Last American Vagabond.

Read the full article here:


We Must Question The Attempted Assassination Of Trump

Regardless of who is behind the attempted assassination of Donald Trump, the incident will be used to further bolster support for the corrupted political system and to stoke more division in the American people.
Excerpt from the article:

In 2020, I warned that a false flag was looming around the election. I have the same feeling regarding the coming months in the lead up to the 2024 election.

The Predator Class wants chaos so they can implement order. They will create chaos anyway they can. If that means killing a Presidential candidate who is supported by millions of Americans (and detested by millions more Americans), they won’t hesitate to do so.

However, if Trump surviving an assassination attempt serves their goals better they will choose that route. They are not omnipotent and they are not invincible but history shows the Predator Class running the shadow government is absolutely capable of pulling off staged events with both real and fake elements.

I encourage readers not to fall for these story lines and believe them as reality. This narrative is all about creating chaos and pulling more people into the charade of politics and engineered elections.

The chaos is only just beginning. The fanatical statists on the left and right will continue to fight for the ring of power, each swearing that Trump is the only way to stop Biden and the communists, or that Biden is the only safe bet to keep Trump from returning to power. Both are correct and also selling a false dichotomy to Americans who have not yet grasped that politics is not the answer to our problems.

We must remain calm, stay balanced, and focus on what we can do for ourselves, our families, and our communities to create more liberty in our lives. We must not fall for the age-old trap of believing that political puppets are the only pathway towards a more just world. The real solution is to Exit from slavery systems and Build alternatives.

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