Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bibi's Pep Rally to Congress

 Dear Congress Representatives, Senators and other attendees:

I want to thank you for your stellar performance in the people's house with your guest on Wednesday, July 24, 2024.  I have never been so amused, it reminded me of the last time I went to Sea World over 35 years ago.  All of you out performed the clapping seal act 58 times.  The seal can't touch that record, their handlers would run out of fish to feed them.  

You on the other hand know who your paymaster is, genocidal war criminals that have controlled you for at least the last 60 years when the last guy tried to stop it he ended up with a bullet in his head.  People in this country as well as around the world are sick and tired of this Kabuki theatre.  You’ve created endless wars, assassinated and overthrown leaders and governments all over the world, stealing resources, exposing us to fast/shit food, vaccines never properly tested, enslaving and human trafficking and worst of all; plundering and pillaging the planet with your forever chemicals that have been sprayed in our skies for the past 75 years.  I could go on but the list of lies is endless.

Don’t know if humans will be here in 50 years (not very likely), however, if that happens people will see what you did and ask how could people be that stupid, brainwashed, lazy and/or evil.  I’m certainly glad, I’m not in your shoes, I cannot even comprehend being part of your cult.

Don’t want your crumbs and your circus sucks.

Signed, a warrior of peace and sanity.

Freddie Live at Wembley!

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