Friday, December 20, 2024

A Heartfelt Thank You.

This time of the year for many of us is not only about giving and receiving but also being grateful and appreciative of all we have.  This not only includes our physical well being but also our mental and spiritual health.

We, the human race for the past 5 years since Covid, were subjected to the most intense mind fuckery that we have ever faced.  The out and out lies that the whole world was subjected to about the fake pandemic, forced vaccinations, (actually bio weapons) that injured and killed millions of people worldwide, destroyed families, friends, businesses, and pitted people against one another.  This is psychological warfare.  

It’s sad to have seen the greatest test humans have been put through by the evil cult that controls us.  Unfortunately, 70% of the people in the so called greatest free country in the world took the jab.  The main reason they got away with this, is because of our lack of a credible media.  They have been worthless stenographers and cheerleaders for the cult.  It’s truly Orwellian when the people that lied  to us, should have been locked up; instead they are treated like celebrities, free and making tons of money.  The people that exposed the truth have been punished, banned and/or assets seized.

In front of our eyes, real time, genocide is displayed for all to see.  It is embarrassing and shameful that only 2 countries in the world choose not to notice these facts.  Why are “we the US” allowing and paying for this to happen?  Unfortunately this does not surprise or shock me, this has gone on for at least the past century.  The list of lies is extraordinarily long told to us by the government and media who have worked hand in glove such as: 

1) Pearl Harbor Attack

2) JFK Assassination, on film, downtown in broad daylight with a magic bullet, perhaps that’s where the game of Clue originated.

3) Gulf of Tonkin

4) USS Liberty

5) 911, 19 hijackers with box cutters outfoxed the greatest military ever assembled.  Not one person was fired and/or sent to prison.  Instead, we the people were punished with the Patriot Act.

6) For the past 75 years, we've been subjected to Geoengineering of the planet, killing our forests, contaminating

our water, air and soil while manipulating our weather.

The bullshit they give us as “news” runs deep.  Making it very difficult to find sources that have a good batting average, prove trustworthy, are objectionable, and who question the empires narrative.

If you have managed to read this far, you’re probably asking, “where is the gratitude?”

I now want to tell you about the people who I’m grateful for.  I may not always agree with everything they say “nor should you”.  Your job is to question everything objectively.  Sometimes I find they don’t go far and/or deep enough.  However, I don’t believe them to be lying or intentionally misleading you.


I’m not mentioning any of these people in any order of importance, however the first 2 people continue to pay a high price for what they stand for.

Julian Assange, for exposing crimes our government committed.  He was tortured and incarcerated for years including death threats.

Reiner Fuellmich, lawyer from Germany that took down Deutsch Bank and VW for corruption charges.  He was instrumental in forming the Corona Investigative Committee, his many interviews included doctors, lawyers, physicists, and whistle blowers on the subjects of Covid, EMF radiation and the heath issues involved, Geoengineering, secret societies and corruption of governments in general.  The German government kidnapped him from Mexico, took him to prison where he remains in solitary confinement to this day, 12+ months.

Dane Wigington, has been working tirelessly for the past 20 years exposing governments around the world working together or being “strong armed” into the Geoengineering program which is affecting the whole web of life with weather manipulation/warfare.

David Icke, The Dot Connector, has been questioning, exposing the secret societies that JFK spoke of years ago and how they control all aspects of our lives.  David must have hit a nerve as he’s been banned from 25-30 countries.

Gerald Celente, Warrior of Peace, for all of his outstanding work over the past several decades, standing up for peace and justice.  Since the early 2000’s he has not been allowed on mainstream where he started because of his opposing views on war.

Judge Andrew Napolitano, for all of the courageous people he interviews; former military, CIA, state department officials and diplomats.  They are shining the light on the wars and the human rights violations being carried out in our names while we pay for it with our blood and treasure.

John and Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute, showing us how we’re losing our constitutional rights and militarizing our police against the American people.

Whitney Webb and Mark Goodman, Unlimited Hangout

Ryan Cristian and Derrick Broze, The Last American Vagabond

Spirited and unflinching group of journalists who have courageously unmasked the control of our financial system, the worldwide blackmail schemes that control the elite, as well as the digital technocratic gulag that we’re all headed for if we don’t wake up.

Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, Anya Parampil and crew, The Grayzone

Who have shined the brightest lights on the century old problems in the Middle East, in particular human rights issues relating to the wars around the world and the genocide in Gaza.

Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research

I came across your site 20+ years ago, while reading the late, Michael Ruppert's "From the Wilderness" site and have been reading it ever since.  I appreciate the wide array of international subjects that are well researched from the writers you pick up and publish.

Roger Waters, where would this list be without a exemplar entertainer?  Where are all the others when we need them?  I was a fan of Pink Floyd and saw you perform in Detroit (1974 or 75).  You are invaluable now for the energy you bring in speaking truth to power and the ballsiness you exhibited while speaking at the United Nations.  Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your audacious tenacity and uncompromising compassion that you show for all your brothers and sisters.   

Thank you all for having the courage, intellectual curiosity and well honed moral compass, this is sorely missing in our media today.  

I am 68 yo and up until this year, I have never seen so many grown men cry.  It certainly has been enough to make any caring, compassionate loving person weep.

Lastly, I would like to thank the creator, God, Higher Power or whatever for giving me the wisdom and courage to question everything.  I got a very early start while attending Catholic school (grades 2-9).  The inconsistencies of what was being preached, and the actions that never seemed to line up, confused me.  When asking simple questions about what was being taught, only to be told, “you just have to believe”, “you just don’t understand.”  These early experiences helped pave the way for my lives journey, question…question…and question the answers you get.  Keep digging to find the truth wherever that may lead you.

In closing, we have been told we are worthless eaters, heads on sticks;  you die… and that’s it, which may or may not be true.  However, I choose to believe we’re much more than that.  Down deep we all know right from wrong, and have the ability to be a sinner or saint.  Unfortunately, the insane cult that controls us has brought out the worst attributes of humans.  Instead; what might the world look like if the loving, compassionate, forgiving, curious minds of humans had been nurtured.  It’s not too late. 


We have not totally ruined Mother Earth, our home, yet. 

You can imagine, like John Lennon said or you can dream like MLK…they take you to the same destination.

With all my respect and admiration, I thank you.


Monday, December 9, 2024

Interesting articles and David Icke's speech from November 2022

 Let us read and educate ourselves and remember what we went through in the last 5 years.

David Icke's speech here:

And...Reiner Fuellmich who I have mentioned on the blog several times, but here are some"

He has been in prison/isolation for over a year now, here is an excerpt from the article below, 

Friends of Reiner Fuellmich!

What we are witnessing through the trial against Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is a scandal without precedent! It is likely unparalleled in the history of the Federal Republic of Germany since 1949 that a German public prosecutor would act with such disproportion and disregard for the rule of law.

To say it bluntly the way it is: Reiner Fuellmich is a political prisoner of Germany.

Yes, a political prisoner in a so-called Democracy of Europe.

You may have remember, John O'Looney from the Covid days that I shared, but here he is recently,

Great recent article from John and Nisha Whitehead,

Then this is very interesting talking about "repersoning".
Whitney Webb and James Corbett,

Lastly, let us know forget Dane Wigington
here is his latest podast:

Keep your head up and mind open!

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Where are the musician/activists of old today?

 Today I emailed Five Times August and asked why he (Brad Skistimas) is not making music and speaking out about the genocide taking place in real time in Gaza.

I purchased his CD "Silent War" and supported the work that he was doing back in the Covid times.  I listened to "Will Fight For You" so many times thinking about our children, their lives and futures.  So many did BIG and GREAT things that I have wrote about on this blog.  Del Bigtree, RFK Jr, Children's Health Defense...where are they today,  and are we hearing their voices that were so LOUD then but silent now on what is happening to our children in the war zones?

No matter where they live,  our children deserve to have us adults sing, speak out and protect them no matter where they reside.

Where are the artists of old such as Dylan, Baez, Young and the like today...are they done with their lives and the activism they lived for?

During Covid I remember visiting Joan Baez's site and seeing the painting of Fauci that she painted to honor his work.  Today she has Kamala Harris on her "artwork page"...really?

I have a copy of her,  How Sweet the Sound DVD as well as Dylan's Biograph...

I remember reading how thrilled she was when Obama got elected and she took a cab in her pj's to the white house.  How can these and others get bamboozled so easily?  Guess we all get caught up in the rhetoric and believe people and their words at the time.

Today I ran across this article,

Only recognize, Maklemore but it was good to view the video's and hear their message...maybe some of the young musician's will be taken the place of those who acted before.

Thank you to these musicians/artists who today are speaking out and producing videos for the world to see.

We are living in imperiled times with the "selection" just around the I mentioned to Brad Skistimas (Five Times August) in my email...let us not forget that Trump ushered in WARP SPEED!  Neither candidate is fit for my vote...I will not concede to voting for the lesser of 2 evils...been there and done that when I voted for Kerry as peers told me that if I voted for Nader it would surely get Bush a vote...well we saw where that led.

Don't be left in the dark...

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Oregon's Wildfire Hazard Map

 A comment from the public...


My husband and I are writing in opposition to the Wildfire Hazard Mapping.

In 2018 we were on a Level 2 evacuation notice for at least a week where most of our neighbors left their properties as they are much more "in the trees" than we are, our property at one point was designated "farmland".

During this time we had many visits from the different fire agencies who walked our property thinking of it as a "fire break" before heading towards the city of Rogue River.  We even offered neighbors to store their extra vehicles (which some did) as well as fire officials the opportunity to leave their equipment close by which they deeply appreciated.  We spoke to one fire chief from Amity, Oregon who was down here in Southern Oregon helping out with the multiple fires in the area.

After this fire we had the State Department of Forestry on our property as they were offering resources to help people with their defensible spaces and were told that our property was managed well and there was little we could do.  Though they did help our neighbors out and we put a gate in at the top of our property that would allow neighbors above to drive through it in case they couldn't get down their driveway safely.

We were also evacuated from the Sykes Creek Fire in 1987 so we are well aware of the dangers and take our responsibility as rural property owners seriously.

We both feel that an elephant is in the room that is not being addressed and until the weather manipulation (geoengineering) is recognized, fires as well as other forms of catastrophic storms and the damage they leave behind will only get worse.

Several states now have introduced bills, TN being the first to sign one into law that prohibits the spraying of the skies over their state.  This is a small step in the right direction but unfortunately what is done in the skies above other states will not prevent this for all.  I suggest a great place to start for those making these decisions for the "us the people" would be the documentary, The Dimming which is free to watch and has over 20 million views worldwide.  Dane Wigington has been researching this topic for 20+ years and his site, has a wealth of information.  Just the article, Wildfires as a Weapon written in 2022 alone is worth the time reading in order to understand the reasons behind the atrocities happening now and have been going since the 40's.

We both feel this is the main point that needs addressing as before long insurance companies will no longer be able to cover costs that are associated with fires and storm damage.

The second most important point about this mapping is the fact that some rural property owners have been allowed to use their properties for storing vehicles and/or flammable toxic materials for far too long which threatens us all in the vicinity.

In May of this year, a ballot measure to once again raise our property taxes went into effect and before this time we both visited our local fire department and spoke with the fire chief and supplied him with a 20 page booklet and brochure on geoengineering.  We also suggested his viewing of the documentary, The Dimming.  It was appalling to us that he hadn't heard of it and suggested to us to reach out to our district representative that was  running for office at the time.  We took his advice and contacted her.  We received an email from her assistant that she needed to do more research as she was unfamiliar with the subject.

We ask how is it that 20 million people have viewed this documentary and yet those most involved with the decision making and/or risking their lives to save properties and people have not?

We sincerely hope that you and others who are making these decisions for "us the people" take the time to read our complaints, take necessary action with the suggestions given to you and heed the warnings that are there for us to see if only we look up.  If we don't stop this madness in our skies, this beautiful place we call home will not be able to supply us with the very things we need to survive on this planet, Mother Earth.

Thursday, June 20, 2024

Quite a bombshell, could this be what is hovering over the US?

 Many know that JFK was trying to stop Israel from having nuclear weapons.  Many may be unaware of such things.

Laurent Guyenot authored to very good reads on the subject that will get those caught up,

The Unspoken Kennedy Truth and JFK/911 50 Years of Deep State.

The UNZ Review just published an article written by Laurent, that may open many eyes... such as this excerpt from the article :

    We are now witnessing the final showdown. On one side is International Law, which we may call Rome, for the reasons explained above; it is committed to truth and justice. On the other side is Jerusalem and its Divine Law, the Empire of the Lie.

Obviously, the United-States are now part of Israel. They used to stand for Rome, but have been conquered by Jerusalem, in three major steps: the buying of Truman in 1947, the assassination of Kennedy in 1963, and the 9/11 PSYOP.

Hoping someone will interview this author!  Hoping Judge Napolitano and/or Gerald Celente may step up to the task?  

Fingers crossed...

Sunday, June 16, 2024

He who controls the money, controls the world

 Richard Cook does a great job summing up our history and predicament we're now in.

This article was originally published on the author’s Substack, Three Sages.

Richard C. Cook is a co-founder and lead investigator for the American Geopolitical Institute.  Mr. Cook is a retired U.S. federal analyst with extensive experience across various government agencies, including the U.S. Civil Service Commission, FDA, the Carter White House, NASA, and the U.S. Treasury. As a whistleblower at the time of the Challenger disaster, he exposed the flawed O-ring joints that destroyed the Shuttle, documenting the event in his book “Challenger Revealed.” After serving at Treasury, he became a vocal critic of the private finance-controlled monetary system, detailing his analysis in “We Hold These Truths: The Hope of Monetary Reform.” He served as an advisor to the American Monetary Institute and worked with Congressman Dennis Kucinich to advocate for replacing the Federal Reserve with a genuine national currency. See his new book giving a revisionist view of U.S. history: Our Country, Then and Now, Clarity Press, 2023.

His 24 bullet points say clearly in one article what many others are reporting now.

6.     All this was foreseen in the biblical parable of Jesus driving the money changers from the temple. It’s why they crucified him.

 14.  In 1940-1941, the US Council on Foreign Relations, a Rockefeller-controlled entity modeled on Britain’s Chatham House, submitted a series of studies to the U.S. government that established a permanent policy of TOTAL U.S. military dominance over the entire world. This policy became the post-World War II national security state, setting up the CIA, NSA, etc., then later the Wolfowitz Doctrine of 1991 and today’s policy of “Full-Spectrum Dominance,” including cyberspace, outer space, etc. The Council on Foreign Relations was also a central actor in the JFK assassination and cover-up.

15.  World War II never ended. The policy of world military dominance has never been rescinded or modified. Note, however, that the U.S. military operates under the direction of the global financial elite. While U.S. military power is backed by dollar hegemony, the geopolitical power center resides in London.

17.  The Zionists formed themselves into the Neocon faction that has run U.S. foreign policy on behalf of the London and New York-based financiers since the Reagan administration. One of their major projects was 9/11.

18.  The latest episode is the Anglo-American-Zionist Empire’s war against Russia in Ukraine, with Russia having been declared the enemy in the late 1940s after Germany was destroyed. The degree to which the government of Russia is complicit today in the overall globalist plan is unclear. The Zionists, meanwhile, are engaged in genocidal wars trying to create Greater Israel for their own purposes.

22.  A central part of the scenario is control of nuclear weapons. A nuclear World War III remains a possibility. Running the show for the U.S. is Joe Biden’s handlers. His opponent, Donald Trump, shows no signs of being knowledgeable enough to turn the situation around and may be headed for prison. Robert Kennedy ignores the larger economic issues with a campaign that well may be a “limited hangout.” Whether there will even be a US in another decade is anyone’s guess.

“Every human enterprise must serve life, must seek to enrich existence on earth, lest man become enslaved where he seeks to establish his dominion!” Bô Yin Râ (Joseph Anton Schneiderfranken, 1876-1943), Translation by Posthumus Projects Amsterdam, 2014. 

Sunday, February 25, 2024

The BEAT goes on...

 Disgusting quotes from Israel's Minister for the Advancement of Women...who the hell is May Golan to say such horrible things?  To think she's only 37yo...what will she become when she grows up?

Read full post here:

“I am personally proud of the ruins of Gaza,” Golan said in a speech in the Israeli parliament (Knesset) on Wednesday. 

and this...

“…I don’t care about Gaza, I literally don’t care. For all I care, they can go out and just swim in the sea,” Golan said in an interview with an Israeli TV channel.

I have posted this short read helps to read some history...Against Our Better Judgement, by Allison Weir is a good one to start with. The reviews are 4.20 on this site with 800 ratings.  Good to see many are reading it!

The judge does such a good job with his guests, Col. Lawrence Wilkerson, Ray McGovern, Larry Johnson, Aaron Mate, Scott Ritter and more.

Col. Lawrence Wilkerson: US Unrepentant for War Crimes