This time of the year for many of us is not only about giving and receiving but also being grateful and appreciative of all we have. This not only includes our physical well being but also our mental and spiritual health.
We, the human race for the past 5 years since Covid, were subjected to the most intense mind fuckery that we have ever faced. The out and out lies that the whole world was subjected to about the fake pandemic, forced vaccinations, (actually bio weapons) that injured and killed millions of people worldwide, destroyed families, friends, businesses, and pitted people against one another. This is psychological warfare.
It’s sad to have seen the greatest test humans have been put through by the evil cult that controls us. Unfortunately, 70% of the people in the so called greatest free country in the world took the jab. The main reason they got away with this, is because of our lack of a credible media. They have been worthless stenographers and cheerleaders for the cult. It’s truly Orwellian when the people that lied to us, should have been locked up; instead they are treated like celebrities, free and making tons of money. The people that exposed the truth have been punished, banned and/or assets seized.
In front of our eyes, real time, genocide is displayed for all to see. It is embarrassing and shameful that only 2 countries in the world choose not to notice these facts. Why are “we the US” allowing and paying for this to happen? Unfortunately this does not surprise or shock me, this has gone on for at least the past century. The list of lies is extraordinarily long told to us by the government and media who have worked hand in glove such as:
1) Pearl Harbor Attack
2) JFK Assassination, on film, downtown in broad daylight with a magic bullet, perhaps that’s where the game of Clue originated.
3) Gulf of Tonkin
4) USS Liberty
5) 911, 19 hijackers with box cutters outfoxed the greatest military ever assembled. Not one person was fired and/or sent to prison. Instead, we the people were punished with the Patriot Act.
6) For the past 75 years, we've been subjected to Geoengineering of the planet, killing our forests, contaminating
our water, air and soil while manipulating our weather.
The bullshit they give us as “news” runs deep. Making it very difficult to find sources that have a good batting average, prove trustworthy, are objectionable, and who question the empires narrative.
If you have managed to read this far, you’re probably asking, “where is the gratitude?”
I now want to tell you about the people who I’m grateful for. I may not always agree with everything they say “nor should you”. Your job is to question everything objectively. Sometimes I find they don’t go far and/or deep enough. However, I don’t believe them to be lying or intentionally misleading you.
I’m not mentioning any of these people in any order of importance, however the first 2 people continue to pay a high price for what they stand for.
Julian Assange, for exposing crimes our government committed. He was tortured and incarcerated for years including death threats.
Reiner Fuellmich, lawyer from Germany that took down Deutsch Bank and VW for corruption charges. He was instrumental in forming the Corona Investigative Committee, his many interviews included doctors, lawyers, physicists, and whistle blowers on the subjects of Covid, EMF radiation and the heath issues involved, Geoengineering, secret societies and corruption of governments in general. The German government kidnapped him from Mexico, took him to prison where he remains in solitary confinement to this day, 12+ months.
Dane Wigington, has been working tirelessly for the past 20 years exposing governments around the world working together or being “strong armed” into the Geoengineering program which is affecting the whole web of life with weather manipulation/warfare.
David Icke, The Dot Connector, has been questioning, exposing the secret societies that JFK spoke of years ago and how they control all aspects of our lives. David must have hit a nerve as he’s been banned from 25-30 countries.
Gerald Celente, Warrior of Peace, for all of his outstanding work over the past several decades, standing up for peace and justice. Since the early 2000’s he has not been allowed on mainstream where he started because of his opposing views on war.
Judge Andrew Napolitano, for all of the courageous people he interviews; former military, CIA, state department officials and diplomats. They are shining the light on the wars and the human rights violations being carried out in our names while we pay for it with our blood and treasure.
John and Nisha Whitehead, The Rutherford Institute, showing us how we’re losing our constitutional rights and militarizing our police against the American people.
Whitney Webb and Mark Goodman, Unlimited Hangout
Ryan Cristian and Derrick Broze, The Last American Vagabond
Spirited and unflinching group of journalists who have courageously unmasked the control of our financial system, the worldwide blackmail schemes that control the elite, as well as the digital technocratic gulag that we’re all headed for if we don’t wake up.
Max Blumenthal, Aaron Mate, Anya Parampil and crew, The Grayzone
Who have shined the brightest lights on the century old problems in the Middle East, in particular human rights issues relating to the wars around the world and the genocide in Gaza.
Professor Michel Chossudovsky, Global Research
I came across your site 20+ years ago, while reading the late, Michael Ruppert's "From the Wilderness" site and have been reading it ever since. I appreciate the wide array of international subjects that are well researched from the writers you pick up and publish.
Roger Waters, where would this list be without a exemplar entertainer? Where are all the others when we need them? I was a fan of Pink Floyd and saw you perform in Detroit (1974 or 75). You are invaluable now for the energy you bring in speaking truth to power and the ballsiness you exhibited while speaking at the United Nations. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your audacious tenacity and uncompromising compassion that you show for all your brothers and sisters.
Thank you all for having the courage, intellectual curiosity and well honed moral compass, this is sorely missing in our media today.
I am 68 yo and up until this year, I have never seen so many grown men cry. It certainly has been enough to make any caring, compassionate loving person weep.
Lastly, I would like to thank the creator, God, Higher Power or whatever for giving me the wisdom and courage to question everything. I got a very early start while attending Catholic school (grades 2-9). The inconsistencies of what was being preached, and the actions that never seemed to line up, confused me. When asking simple questions about what was being taught, only to be told, “you just have to believe”, “you just don’t understand.” These early experiences helped pave the way for my lives journey, question…question…and question the answers you get. Keep digging to find the truth wherever that may lead you.
In closing, we have been told we are worthless eaters, heads on sticks; you die… and that’s it, which may or may not be true. However, I choose to believe we’re much more than that. Down deep we all know right from wrong, and have the ability to be a sinner or saint. Unfortunately, the insane cult that controls us has brought out the worst attributes of humans. Instead; what might the world look like if the loving, compassionate, forgiving, curious minds of humans had been nurtured. It’s not too late.
We have not totally ruined Mother Earth, our home, yet.
You can imagine, like John Lennon said or you can dream like MLK…they take you to the same destination.
With all my respect and admiration, I thank you.
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