Thursday, June 20, 2024

Quite a bombshell, could this be what is hovering over the US?

 Many know that JFK was trying to stop Israel from having nuclear weapons.  Many may be unaware of such things.

Laurent Guyenot authored to very good reads on the subject that will get those caught up,

The Unspoken Kennedy Truth and JFK/911 50 Years of Deep State.

The UNZ Review just published an article written by Laurent, that may open many eyes... such as this excerpt from the article :

    We are now witnessing the final showdown. On one side is International Law, which we may call Rome, for the reasons explained above; it is committed to truth and justice. On the other side is Jerusalem and its Divine Law, the Empire of the Lie.

Obviously, the United-States are now part of Israel. They used to stand for Rome, but have been conquered by Jerusalem, in three major steps: the buying of Truman in 1947, the assassination of Kennedy in 1963, and the 9/11 PSYOP.

Hoping someone will interview this author!  Hoping Judge Napolitano and/or Gerald Celente may step up to the task?  

Fingers crossed...

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