Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Lindsey Graham is winning a lot of votes!

Here comes da judge:

...Trump's son-in-law wants to build beachfront property in Gaza!

It's around the 26 minute mark! 

Listen to Larry Johnson and what he has to say....

Netanhayu is a buffoon!

You're like the kid still living at home sucking up Mom and Dad's groceries, driving Mom and Dad's car, saying, I'm going to do it on my own...but you still want to drive their car and you still want to eat their groceries...that's Bibi Netanyahu in Israel.

Listen to the numbers he shares about the death of Israeli's by Palestinian violence from 2000 to April 26th, 2024...are you ready for it?  1455 killed over almost a 24 year period.  He goes on to reference Chicago, one fifth the size of Israel and they had over 14,000...mostly black men murdered, yet where was America's concern over this?

These guys like Graham have no problem sending other peoples kids to die...he doesn't pay a cost...he doesn't have an ounce of skin in the game.

I find people like him, they're a disgrace to the human race.

Then listen to Scott Ritter....This man is sick and a threat to humanity...Scott is wound up!!!!!

I would remind the South Carolinan's back in the cold war a B52 bomber inadvertently dropped a hydrogen bomb on South Carolina...had it gone off that would have been the end of a whole big chunk of South  Carolina...

then listen to what he says after around the 26:50 minute mark...wow Scott as always telling it like it is.

Thank you all for the honest reporting you do!

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