Tuesday, March 12, 2024



     "what we deem as hard to watch, others are experiencing today"

Today another normal day for many of us.  We sit drinking our coffee in a secure environment with a roof over our heads, warm, full-bellied, able to work and provide for another day.

Though we still complain about what we don't have even though these things are not needed but wanted nonetheless.

Yesterday, I made homemade sourdough bread which today I enjoyed toast with our canned strawberry jam.  This, after exercising my legs, walking for 30 minutes energizing myself in nature.

I was one of many to work for 30 or more years, routinely paying bills to enjoy 2 days off a week, presumably the weekend.

Sometimes, one forgets the convenience's we have to take care of not only ourselves, but our immediate surroundings.  Riding lawn mowers that do most of the work themselves while we sit and ride.  Washing machines that after adding soap, clean our clothes and dryers we turn on to dry them.  Fans that cool us in the heat and heat we turn on when cold.

Today, I witness a genocide in a far off place where doctors cannot perform their skills to save the lives of those who have been maimed.  Nurses who can no longer find the words to comfort families who have stood by and watch their loved ones bodies be buried in ditches they have dug.

Thank you Abby and Dr. Ahmad for doing not only what you have been trained to do but for having a conscience to do what is right and for sharing what we all need to witness.

Only then can we begin to come together as humans to put an end to this unnecessary carnage and suffering.

What we deem as hard to watch is what others are experiencing today.


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