Sunday, November 12, 2023

Healing our hearts by speaking out

 Recently my husband wrote a letter to Catherine Austin Fitts, (which is printed below) who we have read and listened to for 15+ years.  Our hope for Bobby to become president was heightened even further when she became involved with CHD and we never missed an episode of the Financial Rebellion a weekly show on their site.

Today we read this on Global Research from Edward Curtin who has a voice much louder than ours.  Seems like many are questioning what happened to Bobby and our hope.

Edward Curtin's site is here and we highly recommend his book, Seeking Truth in a Country of Lies.

The saying goes that misery loves company and our hearts became one in not only the hope we had but the prospect of a future that JFK, RFK, and MLK Jr tried to deliver us.

Maybe this is what we need right now...a letter writing campaign to Bobby, holding him to the task of "reporting for duty" and NOT in the sense of Mr. Global as Catherine refers to.

My husband doesn't hold any hope in hearing back but if words can reach the heartfelt hope then what more can we ask?  The rest is up to them...maybe there is a spiritual wakening that can happen yet.

Here is the letter written to Catherine Austin Fitts on October 27, 2023

Hi Catherine,

I am writing to an old, trusted and reliable friend that I have never communicated directly with.  First off I want to thank you for all of the hard work you have done over your career.  For me you have been the sane adult in the room telling the unvarnished truth, they want to kill you and take your stuff and there are worse things in life than dying, truer words could not have been spoken.  Truth and honesty has always been essential to me.

I went to a Catholic school for 8 years saw the inconsistencies with their words/actions/deeds, played competitive sports with some badass coaches.  When I was 17 years old, 50 years ago I read the Warren Commission Report so at a very early age, I knew we were being lied to on a massive scale.  

I first came across your work when I discovered that the official narrative of 911 was a bunch of horse-hockies.  I started to read, From the Wilderness by Michael Ruppert where your work appeared.  I listened to your audio, The Tapeworm Economy, read Crossing the Rubicon, and saw Michael at the McDonald Theatre in Eugene, Oregon (2005)

We, my wife Elaine and I became involved with a small group of people having to do with 911, Peak Oil and sustainability which is where I met Mark Robinowitz, friend of Michael Ruppert and Dan Armstrong, author of Prairie Fire and we became friends. Dan had told me that he had spoken to you a couple of times and found you too harsh.  I argued that you were brutally honest and direct which suits me fine.

At this time I was getting a much clearer picture of what Mr. Global was and what we were truly up against.  This leads me to a very large question that I’m struggling with because I don’t trust the political system.  The last time I voted for the one party system was the first Clinton term, thought we were getting rid of the old, war mongers…I got fooled.  I became an Independent and have never bought into the BS of any of the clowns that have run since, nor voted for them.  I lost friends and family because I did not fall under the spell of Obama, Bernie or Trump.  In 2020, we actually wrote in RFK Jr. for president.  We have followed his great work that he has done with the environment, CHD, Covid 19 and the Fauci book.  We have given monthly to CHD as well as donating to his presidential campaign.  We have watched too many hours to count, of his speeches and interviews and through all of this, I thought he had a better understanding of Mr. Global…this is why I’m deeply conflicted with his stance he has taken on the Israeli/Palestinian issue without providing any facts.  As Matthew Simmons always said, don’t go into something with a fixed sense of beliefs…read and hear all sides before making up your mind.  

All of these people; 

Dr. Francis Boyle, Peter Koenig, Phil Giraldi, Ray McGovern, Larry Johnson, Cynthia McKinney, Jeffrey Sachs, Colonel MacGregor, Colonel Karen Kwiatkowski, Martin Armstrong and last but not least, Vera Shirav who articulated quite clearly on Good Morning CHD (October 11) what really took place… all of whom I assume would disagree with him on this issue.  Makes me ask, what are they seeing that he isn’t or vice versa?  He always said to show him where he’s got it wrong…maybe a debate would be welcomed by his supporters.

I had really believed with one year before the election with the wind behind him, he could win.  Whenever we wore our Kennedy t-shirts in town, we were getting big smiles, thumbs up, and uplifting conversations with total strangers.  So much of the alternative media, libertarians, right, left were gravitating towards his message not to mention he had a great champion for peace and honesty in his campaign manager, Dennis Kucinich.  Seems like momentum was on his side.  

Now I feel overwhelming sadness, not for me but for the rest of the world.  Many believed/hoped, he was going to be the one to stand tall, bring people together like his dad did the night MLK was murdered.  It’s very sad to see where this appears to be heading.

Thank you for being a truth warrior and an old trusted friend.  It would be nice to hear your thoughts.  If you and Carolyn are ever in Oregon, know that you’re welcome to stay with us.  We have a guest cottage on 14 acres with a beautiful garden.

In Peace,


I tend to be a very direct person and could have made this very short.  What happened to his big pair of cajones?

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