It's that busy time of the year again, but didn't want to wait to post this picture...
I'll be writing soon. Watching...
I know it's been a long time since I've written anything, so it goes...
We've been busy with "sheep people" in our lives and no they're not stupid, actually they're smarter than many people. Ellory our ram has been painted for breeding and the girls were bucking heads today, we're thinking we're all going to get f*$#@^& tomorrow!

What a 3 ring circus it's been, anyone sane would vote for Jill but then again is there many sane people left in this country? I've listened to this speech so many times over the last few months,
and can't believe what we had going for us then...until...
it's all so sad.
What the hell happened to all of us? Have the powers to be rendered us useless in this day and age? Or...are we just so over entertained with everything now even the election has to be full of drama for us to pay attention? I'm hearing Barry McGuire singing...
Our ballots have been cast but for all practical purposes I do feel hopeless in seeing real change as the system is rigged, least we voted our conscience, too bad we didn't get to see Jill in the debates as I think many more would agree that she is our best choice.
Vote Green Party!
We've been listening to the audio book by Gary J. Byrne, Crisis of Character,
We highly recommend listening or reading the book.
It's pretty entertaining going down memory lane with the Clinton's.
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