I found this to be an interesting read...
From Global Research,
I found this to be an interesting read...
From Global Research,
As we watch a genocide happening before our eyes, many today will be filling themselves with pizza and beer. Many would like clean water to drink and perhaps some flour for bread. Not even crumbs do they get.
I know these things as I too took part when I was living to be entertained ...at any cost.
For years we would plan ahead for the big days of sports...had all the latest ways of getting to watch back then.
Yep, Direct TV with the NFL package and hockey which I still love to watch the old reruns when there was nothing on the boards to advertise the media whores. No smoking dragons taking to the ice or half time shows that more watched instead of the game. Circus and crumbs.
I say if one can watch grown men run up and down the field in tights (I know kind of fun) then one ...considering the nature of such things and how these things will affect us all sooner or later. Remember we're all just worthless eaters.
So instead of filling yourself up on pizza and beer today...how bout a little reflection on what if...
this was you.
As an American citizen who was educated in this country I learned that Abe spoke about government "of the people, by the people and for the people" in his Gettysburg address in 1863. It was drilled into us as students that we in the US had a democracy that we could be proud of.
Fast forward to today...I don't believe we have a democracy.
Out with the old boss and in with the new...once again sending bombs to destroy what's already been destroyed. Are these bombs to destroy more of the Palestinian's who have now returned to "their" land? How wicked are we? How is this helping us, "we the people?"
All the so called natural disasters happening around our country today, Trump and Melania were just in NC and California...what kind of rhetoric are they pumping us full of? Isn't he the one that said he wants a noble PEACE prize...I don't think creating more war is a way of getting it. I remember the saying during Vietnam, "Fighting for peace is like screwing for virginity".
One only has to watch the body language and listen closely to his voice...not once do I see Trump even look and acknowledge Bibi while reading this speech. Since when does he not shoot off the cuff? Did he read this first? Seems like he's quite uncomfortable reading it..slouched over not looking up and around. For heavens sake ...more importantly is
Who the hell wrote it? Sounds like it could have come from Israel.
Do we even have a president who represents us the people let alone have a democracy that is
"of the people, by the people and for the people"
We the people need to start asking some tough questions of our so called leaders of the free world...hmmm, ponder that for a moment.