Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Where are the musician/activists of old today?

 Today I emailed Five Times August and asked why he (Brad Skistimas) is not making music and speaking out about the genocide taking place in real time in Gaza.

I purchased his CD "Silent War" and supported the work that he was doing back in the Covid times.  I listened to "Will Fight For You" so many times thinking about our children, their lives and futures.  So many did BIG and GREAT things that I have wrote about on this blog.  Del Bigtree, RFK Jr, Children's Health Defense...where are they today,  and are we hearing their voices that were so LOUD then but silent now on what is happening to our children in the war zones?

No matter where they live,  our children deserve to have us adults sing, speak out and protect them no matter where they reside.

Where are the artists of old such as Dylan, Baez, Young and the like today...are they done with their lives and the activism they lived for?

During Covid I remember visiting Joan Baez's site and seeing the painting of Fauci that she painted to honor his work.  Today she has Kamala Harris on her "artwork page"...really?

I have a copy of her,  How Sweet the Sound DVD as well as Dylan's Biograph...

I remember reading how thrilled she was when Obama got elected and she took a cab in her pj's to the white house.  How can these and others get bamboozled so easily?  Guess we all get caught up in the rhetoric and believe people and their words at the time.

Today I ran across this article,

Only recognize, Maklemore but it was good to view the video's and hear their message...maybe some of the young musician's will be taken the place of those who acted before.

Thank you to these musicians/artists who today are speaking out and producing videos for the world to see.

We are living in imperiled times with the "selection" just around the I mentioned to Brad Skistimas (Five Times August) in my email...let us not forget that Trump ushered in WARP SPEED!  Neither candidate is fit for my vote...I will not concede to voting for the lesser of 2 evils...been there and done that when I voted for Kerry as peers told me that if I voted for Nader it would surely get Bush a vote...well we saw where that led.

Don't be left in the dark...

Saturday, October 12, 2024

North Carolina after Helene...heartwrenching.

 Hard to imagine that these reports are real but unlike Katrina we have the technology to post online videos of those who are there.  At this point I believe them over government officials and/or mainstream media.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3 is also coming up...stay tuned.

All while sending billions to Ukraine and Israel.

And possibly troops on the ground now in Israel.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Major threats to it Geoengineering or Nuclear War

 Dane Wigington's most recent broadcast..."as we know the script can be changed at any time."

Listen to the conversation that Dane's friend had with National Weather Service Personnel...very beginning of broadcast.

"Are you a government agency?" he asked.

"We are, we're a federal agency" he answered.

Then as Dane's friend said, you work for me then,

    you work for the people!

Make sure you listen to the 8minute 45 second mark...Hurricane Helene unleashed some 

42 TRILLION gallons of rain on the US Southeast...that's the equivalent of nearly 2 years of FULL FLOW over Niagara Falls.

Thank you Dane for exposing this and giving us information that we ourselves can verify if we take the time to.

*****Edit to add these 2 videos from today 10/9/24

First with Colonel Macgregor and 2nd with Mike Adams...

Also in the broadcast Dane sites this article:

How rapid intensification spawned two monster hurricanes in one week,

by Science News

If only MORE people were to take the time to educate's up to us to ask questions and demand answers.

Then there is Chris Martenson who speaks to someone on the phone from the Asheville, NC area

...very sad to think we're spending ...quick search and from I found this,


Yet where is the support for Americans that need help...where will the funds come from to pay insurance costs for just Helene alone?  Milton next?

Thank you Dane and Chris for bringing these things that are so near and dear to us all...bless you!