Saturday, October 21, 2023

RFK Jr. let many of us down! well as Tulsi Gabbard as this video talks about!

...can't forget the Judge again, here he is with Larry Johnson and Ray McGovern (both ex CIA)


And here is Francis Boyle, who has specific knowledge and has been a part of the humanitarian legal processes against genocide and ethnic cleansing.  Thank you Mike Adams for this interview...

Also great map found on this article from Global Research...

I wonder how the Buddhist Nun feels in this video of RFK Jr.

Friday, October 20, 2023

Where are we headed and do we know why?

 Judge Napolitano is interviewing several a day now with the situation in the Middle East.

Here he is interviewing Colonel Douglas Macgregor in 2 days!!!

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Friday, October 20, 2023

How many trillion to Ukraine and Israel?  How many people in the US are woke enough to know this?

Then Professor Jeffrey Sachs...

Thank you Judge Napolitano for allowing these voices to be heard.

Thursday, October 19, 2023

Follow your conscience...

 Sorry Bobby...can no longer support your campaign.

You stood on the premise of honesty in our finally admitted that the CIA was involved in your Dad's assassination and you have fought for years as an environmental attorney fighting corruption against giants such as Monsanto...but where do you stand on war?  I always thought it was for PEACE...however you came out loud and clear with this Israel/Palestine conflict and where you stand.  Did you pause to take in ALL the information?  Did you listen to ALL sides?  Have you debated those like Matt Blumenthal?  Have you heard the voices of those who are on CHD...Children's Health Defense that you were chair of before seeking the position of president?  Vera Sherav...listen to her speak about this situation at the 39:38 minute mark...

Ilana Rachel Daniel who does the Jerusalem Report and how bout Mary Holland and Polly Tommey, wondering where they stand and how they feel about your "tweets" like this one.'s the 2 minute 43 second mark.

How is it that you so wanted open debates when it came to COVID...and how I and many others I'm sure feel like it was only things you wanted to talk about?

You're right if you think I'm disappointed...I and many others had hope for you.  Did you even ask any questions of how this attack happened when some have said even a cockroach could not get through Israeli defense?  Sounds like something similar that happened in this country years ago...have you spoke of that?  Will you ask the tough questions going forward?

Unfortunately I and many others believe you have sunk your ship and that hill that you're determined to stand on and fight...many I'm sure have left your side.

Bottom line...I had hope, lots of hope and have spoken to others who had hope.  Hell we wrote your name on the ballot last election as a "write in" as that was the only hope we had.

Many posts written about you and what you believe or believed...see this one

and your New Year statement:

RFK Jr. New Year’s statement:

“Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: I’m going to tell you these three things that you need to remember in this critical day and age.
1.) Once government acquires a power, it never lets it go voluntarily.
2.) Every power that government acquires, using this pandemic as a pretense, it will ultimately abuse to the maximum effect possible. This is a rule that is as certain as gravity.
3.) Nobody has ever complied their way out of totalitarianism. Every time you comply the demands will get greater and greater.

We need to resolve here and now that this is the hill we need to die on. They have come for our jobs, they have come for our transport, now they’re coming for our children. We have an obligation as parents to protect them. There hasn't been a government in history that has told its people, we are going to demand children sacrifice and take risks to save old people. It’s always the other way around. The old, the mature, the adults, always put themselves at risk to protect their children. This is an ethical issue. It’s a moral issue. It’s an issue of character for each of us. And it’s an issue about democracy and public health.”

...our children are still here (many of them) and they come in all colors and their innocence needs to be realized and recognized, what world do we offer them if we can't tell them the truth?

We took our gate sign down that went up in April...

and who knows where our t-shirts will end up...maybe as a conversation piece with our children of the hope we had.

I really hope now that you can live with your conscience.

Thank you for all the good things you have done as one thing does not undo these...but this one thing is one of the big things you're running on, it's what most of us want...and that is HONESTY and without that there will be no PEACE.