The job of our media is to report the truth, period.
There are no extremists when it comes to truth, there is no worry about having to cover up and/or remember the last lie...and there is no judgement.
These are people of all backgrounds and the last time I checked firefighters don't care what color, race, religion, you are when they rush into a burning home or building to save lives...much like a doctor should be. Let those who are willing to save lives do so.
I heard a father speak recently about his 8 yo daughter, when she told him she couldn't remember what it was like without masks...we all need to stop and think about this message. His daughter was 6 at the time, she and many others will never get this time back. Our children depend on the decisions that we adults make and we all need to ask ourselves if we have answers to the questions they will have for us later?